
New Statistics on Uber and Lyft Accidents are Shocking

Millions of people rely on ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft for short-distance trips because of their convenience and affordability. You know the risks of auto collisions exist when you are an occupant of any vehicle, but you might be surprised to learn about recent statistics. Data on Uber and Lyft accidents indicates that 1 in 4 crashes that occur in medium to large US cities are linked to ridesharing. This category includes Miami, where there is extensive use of transportation network companies – or TNCs as they are defined by Florida law. 

The statistics are disturbing to anyone who uses ridesharing services. However, there are multiple ways you could be involved in an Uber or Lyft collision, whether you were a passenger, occupant of another vehicle, or another road user. Fortunately, these TNCs are subject to insurance requirements, opening the door to legal options if you were hurt. A Miami Uber accident claims attorney can explain details, and some basics are useful.

Overview of Uber Accident Liability

Though the crash may involve a ridesharing service, the basics of Florida auto accident laws still apply. To recover compensation, you must prove that the TNC driver was negligent, a term that has a specific meaning in the practice of law. Negligence is the failure to exercise reasonable care while driving, as measured by how a reasonable careful motorist would act behind the wheel. Examples of negligence include speeding, failure to yield, drunk driving, running red lights, and many others.

Just as you would do if you were involved in any traffic collision, you will seek compensation for your losses through an insurance policy. Uber, Lyft, and other TNCs must carry $1 million in coverage for liability in ridesharing accidents. The policy only takes effect when the driver is logged into the app, whether looking for a customer or transporting a passenger.

What to Do if You are Hurt in a Rideshare Accident 

Your health is your first priority, so seek proper medical care at the ER, urgent care center, or your primary care physician. Your second priority is your rights since you could suffer considerable losses as a victim of an Uber or Lyft crash. To protect them, contact a rideshare collision lawyer for assistance right away.

In addition:

  • Exchange contact and insurance information with other drivers, as is your duty under Florida law.
  • Never admit fault in the accident.
  • Do not share your thoughts on how the crash happened.
  • If you are contacted by an insurance company, your only statements should confirm your contact information and the date of the accident. Pass on your lawyer’s contact details.

Our Miami Uber Accidents Attorneys Will Help You Navigate the Process

These tips should help you get through the immediate aftermath, but it is important to retain skilled legal help right away. For more information, please call (305) 371-6000 or go online to reach Gerson & Schwartz, PA. We can set up a no-cost consultation at our offices in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, or West Palm Beach, FL.

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