Articles Tagged with attorneys for car accidents

While car accidents are a serious problem throughout the state, statistics show that South Florida is one of the most dangerous regions for fatal and injury-causing collisions. According to the Crash Dashboard operated by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), there are more than 106,000 total crashes in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties every year. Around 500 individuals are killed, while almost 55,400 victims suffer injuries in these incidents.

If you were hurt or lost a loved one in an auto accident, you know that it is important to retain legal representation to assist with your options for relief. However, there may be some lag time as you find the right fit, during which time there are certain issues that affect your claim. As such, there are four rules to follow after a collision but before you have a Miami car accident lawyer to represent you.

Gather as much evidence as possible. If you do not need to leave the scene for medical care, do your best to collect critical proof to support your claim. Your cell phone is an effective tool, so use it to capture images and video of:

Florida Justice Association
The National Center for Victims of Crime
outh Florida Legal Guide
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