Articles Tagged with convenience stores

While it may not be a place where you shop often, there is a good chance that you visit a South Florida convenience store from time to time for gas, a quick snack, lottery tickets, or other basics. Unfortunately, these spots can be a target for various forms of criminal activity. The 24×7 hours, limited number of employees, availability of cash, and other factors can make these stores dangerous for customers. If you are familiar with basic laws regarding premises liability, you may know that it is possible to pursue a convenience store owner for monetary damages under the theory of negligent security.

However, what you do not know is that Florida law has carved out an exception for property owners when their premises constitute a convenience store under the statutory definition. Your Miami premises liability attorney can explain the details and assist with your case, but some information on the legal issues may be helpful.

Overview of Premises Liability and Negligent Security

Florida Justice Association
The National Center for Victims of Crime
outh Florida Legal Guide
Contact Information