Articles Tagged with intersection accidents

For Florida motorists, right-of-way rules are important for staying in compliance with traffic laws as well as keeping yourself and vehicle occupants safe. The Florida Driver License Handbook includes numerous provisions on which driver must yield and who is allowed to proceed in many different traffic-related scenarios. However, intersections tend to create the most confusion. When motorists are not well-versed in how the right of way works when approaching a junction, the potential for accidents increases. 

The risks of crashes resulting from a failure to yield are especially prevalent in Miami, where heavy congestion and tight city streets are also factors. A refresher course on right-of-way rules will help you avoid collisions, though you cannot prevent negligence from other motorists. Fortunately, these laws guide your Miami car accident attorney in determining who to pursue.

Right-of-Way Rules at Florida Intersections

Florida Justice Association
The National Center for Victims of Crime
outh Florida Legal Guide
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