Tamarac Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Each year, residents of Tamarac are involved in motorcycle accidents. These accidents can cause severe and life-changing injuries, or may result in fatalities. Many times, victims lose their income as they are unable to work or they can’t pay for much needed medical treatment. A Tamarac motorcycle accident lawyer can help answer your questions about obtaining medical treatment, recovering lost wages, wrongful death claims, and compensation for property damage. At Gerson & Schwartz PA, our attorneys can guide you through the process back to recovery. If you or your loved one has suffered injuries or a fatality as the result of a motorcycle crash or accident and would like to speak to one a motorcycle accident lawyer in Tamarac, contact Gerson & Schwartz at 305-371-6000 for a free consultation.
After a serious motorcycle accident, you may wonder if you really need an attorney? What you need to understand is that insurance companies will use every defense available to deny, delay or minimize payment of your claim. You can also count on the insurance company to use the general public’s prejudice against motorcyclists. They understand that potential jurors may have pre-conceived notions about motorcycles. As a result, insurance companies will routinely attempt to discount the amount that they owe on behalf of their insureds. That is why you need to find the best motorcycle accident lawyer you can hire to help you.
About TamaracTamarac is home for over 63,000 residents. Established in the 1960’s, the city is friendly toward families, providing many schools, parks, and outdoor activities, as well as residential communities. It also has a sizable retiree presence. Tamarac is an active city, with several restaurants, retail establishments, and businesses.
Our Tamarac motorcycle accident lawyers can assist clients in the capacity of:
- Tamarac wrongful death motorcycle attorney
- Tamarac road rage motorcycle accident attorney
- Left turn motorcycle accident lawyer in Tamarac
- Tamarac lane change motorcycle accident attorney
- Motorcycle accidents in Tamarac parking lots
- Tamarac motorcycle highway accident attorney
- Distracted driver motorcycle accident attorney
- Tamarac negligent driver motorcycle lawyer
- Uber motorcycle accident lawyer
Wondering if you have a case? Have questions? Contact Gerson & Schwartz at 305-371-6000 for your confidential consultation.
Tamarac Motorcycle Accident VictimsMost Tamarac residents drive an average of 30 minutes to work each day. Located in central Broward County, Tamarac is situated by some of the busiest roads in South Florida. Commuter, as well as pass-thru traffic, creates congested roadways and intersections, creating the potential for accidents and dangerous conditions for motorcycles. Erratic lane changes, stop-and-go traffic, as well as roadwork often accompany traffic congestion and create dangerous conditions for all on the road. With the fast pace of the Tamarac commute, motorcycles may find the ride particularly dangerous. Motorcycles may be cut-off, rear-ended, or sideswiped causing serious injury or resulting in death. If you or your loved one has been the victim of a motorcycle accident, contact the Tamarac motorcycle accident lawyers at Gerson & Schwartz at 305-371-6000 for help.
Motorcycles and InsuranceInsurance requirements for motorcycles can be different than that of passenger vehicles. In some cases, drivers may not carry adequate coverage. The Tamarac motorcycle accident lawyers at Gerson & Schwartz can help motorcycle accident victims and their families navigate through the insurance logistics to receive the compensation and treatment that they deserve. Our Tamarac motorcycle accident attorneys can help motorcycle accident victims and their families to recover lost wages, pay for medical treatment, and receive compensation for pain, suffering, and mental anguish.
Tamarac Motorcycle Accident AttorneysThe Tamarac motorcycle accident attorneys at Gerson & Schwartz can help you and your family to get on the path of recovery. We can answer your questions and we can help. Contact Gerson & Schwartz at (877) 475-2905 or at (305) 371-6000 for a free consultation.